
San Gorg Preca College, Blata l-Bajda Middle School

San Gorg Preca College Middle School in Blata l-Bajda is a government middle school, which caters to 11 to 13-year-old students. The school has 80 teachers and five members of the Senior Management Team. It has a population of 350 students. Most of the students come from the inner harbor area and most of them come from a low socio-economic background. Approximately 10 percent of the students are illiterate at the beginning of their experience with us. They cannot read and write, even though they have been in the educational system for six years. A good number of students are at risk of early school leaving.

As a school, we work in close collaboration with different NGOs and companies, so as to be able to give our students exposure and a holistic approach to education. Our mission is to equip our students with the necessary skills to have better chances in the future, that is able to read and write, have better chances to find a job, and to be decent citizens. In addition to the academic skills, we thrive to equip the students with life skills that are essential and will contribute to a better quality of life. The school values extracurricular activities and offers to the students and
teachers to grow as individuals and assist them to reach their full potential.





Prisms is a group of experienced youth workers that in 2008 came together with the aim of creating an NGO that caters to the requirements of young people and those working with young people. Prisms aim to empower people with the skills, tools, information, and values necessary for personal growth and to be active participants within society. Prisms provide to the necessities of the people it works with through innovative non-formal methods of education so as to reach their needs in a holistic manner.

Prisms focus on coaching and mentoring, online tools, mental well-being, inclusion, and disability through the following objectives:

Young people
– Context out; we are where the young people are
– Needs-analysis; at the basis of all of our activities lies a person-centered approach that enables us to connect with a purpose
– Empower; we believe that every person has potential

Youth leaders/workers
Prisms focus on both the personal and professional development of youth workers. We believe that the general wellbeing of the youth worker is pivotal as they serve as role models for young people. Developing their intra and interpersonal skills enables the youth worker to engage better with the young people they work with. Prisms provide tools to the youth workers to be more self-reflective and identify areas for growth.



Stichting Dutch Foundation of Innovation Welfare 2 Work

The Dutch Foundation of Innovation Welfare 2 Work (DFW2W) is an independent, non-profit organization that supports and (young) citizens in the fields of (youth) employment, job matching & mobility, traineeship, education, income, social inclusion, equal participation of women and men, battle against racism, social security, social innovation, welfare, entrepreneurship and quality of life.

Our goal is to set up partnerships and platforms for innovative good practices in our fields of specialization, developing (digital) information for young citizens and professionals about employment strategies, networking, legislation and regulation, the social map of the Netherlands and other countries. Social innovation is one of our priorities.

DFW2W works on international projects and national projects as well as local assignments with NEETs, young people with special needs, young people with fewer opportunities, young LGBTs, young jobseekers, young entrepreneurs, young immigrants employers, and governmental bodies.


Arsuz İlçe Milli Eğtim Müdürlüğü

Arsuz District National Education Directorate is the highest educational public institution in the province. Within the institutional framework, there are 101 schools in total including 79 state schools and 22 private schools. Our institution’s work area is to facilitate the work of all the public and private schools in the province, to determine the needs of the teachers, students, and administrators of the schools and to carry out administrative tasks in the district, to give necessary permissions to the cultural, social and educational activities to be carried out in the district.

Arsuz District National Education Directorate is located in Hatay. Our main focus is to increase the quantity and quality of the projects that will be made in several areas by encouraging the participation of our students, teachers, administrators, and parents. Through our various activities, we try to provide opportunities for positive and varied development of our staff and students. In particular, we would like teachers and students to develop positive attitudes towards technology. Increasing the technological opportunities in education encourages the provision of equal opportunities and maximizes interactive learning.



San Gorg Preca College Middle School, Mountbatten Street, Blata l-Bajda

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+356 25 987 408

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